Ragnarok Wiki
Audumbla Grassland
Level 95 - 110
RO AudumblaGrassland
The northern grassland.
Affiliation Arunafeltz
Location Northeast of Rael
Technical Name(s) ra_fild01, ra_fild04, ra_fild05, ra_fild09

The Audumbla Grassland is a region of fertile land that lies northeast of Rael.

On iRO, this area is spelled as the Audhumbla Grassland.


  • Auðumbla (also spelled Auðumla, Auðhumbla or Auðhumla) is the primeval cow of Norse mythology.


  • RO-minilogo Renewal Update (2009 Jun. 17)
    • Audumbla Grassland was modified to be a 95 - 110 zone to fit with the new level cap of 150. This area was originally a level 35 - 70 zone.
    • Rael Field 9 (ra_fild09) was removed due to lack of player activity.
  • Patch (2006 Aug. 29)
    • Rael field BGM is added. (Applies to fields ra_fild01, 04, 05, 06, 09).